Yes, Send Me The Opportunity Book!

Get Your Copy Of My Book “Opportunity” & Discover How To Create More And Better Opportunities In Your Business & Life

(Limited Copies Available)

What You Get Today:

  • Your copy of my hardbound book OPPORTUNITY - sent to your door ($26.99 value).
  • BONUS #1: The “How To Find Your Big Idea” workshop ($97 Value)
  • BONUS #2: My “Best Opportunities” training to help you find your best opportunity ($97 Value)
  • BONUS #3: A free month in the Startup Club A.I. - learn to use the ultimate opportunity discovery tools ($97 value)

A total of over $300 worth of value, yours FREE (just pay shipping and handling)...

My students have been featured in…

ABC News, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, PBS, Fox Business, and Forbes

Hi it’s Eben Pagan,

I’m so excited to send you a free copy of my new book, OPPORTUNITY!

I’ve invested a year now writing this book to give you the most powerful tools for finding and creating more opportunity in your work, business, with money, and in your life.

Because I already bought you a copy, you’ll pay nothing for the actual book — all I ask is that you cover the shipping.

Just click the button below and start with your name and email, then tell me where to send your free copy and your bonuses.

Yes, Send Me The Opportunity Book!

What Are People Saying About Opportunity?

“I consider Eben one of my earliest marketing mentors and I’ve learned so much from him. I’ll never forget how much he’s taught me about growing an online business and I’m forever grateful.”

Marie Forleo

“In the world of online entrepreneurship — Eben Pagan is one of the most original, brilliant thinkers out there. Opportunity is a must-read for anyone who wants to ‘make it’ online.”

Larry King

“Opportunity is a book that every single entrepreneur should read.”

Jimmy Naraine

“In a world full of throwaway downloads and quick, empty advice, this book is something special. It has the feeling of a life’s work, and it’s brimming with high-value revelations and game-changing teachings.”

Ryan Eliason

“This book was a game-changer, as it helped me ground all my ideas and create a successful framework for which ideas to pursue and which to let go.”

Matt Astifan

“In Opportunity, Eben Pagan expertly shares how to bring the latter to fruition. If you want your future to be MASSIVELY brighter than your past, read this book... NOW!”

Steve Olsher

“Eben doesn’t just teach you to spot opportunities, he teaches you to create them. Do I recommend this book? I’ve purchased dozens of copies for everyone I love.”

Alex Allman

“If you want to ‘future-proof’ your success, then this book is a must-read.”

Brian Tracy

“You could be one opportunity away from a massive breakthrough in your life. This book shows you how to grab it.”

Ryan Levesque

“Get ready to be blown away! This is the ultimate guide to finding more opportunity in your life and in the process, make a bigger difference in the world.”

Lisa Sasevich

“Opportunity is a powerful book that helped me to be more aware of the opportunities I get, and taught me how to choose just the right ones.”

Quincy Beeker

“This book has given me the ability to look at everything I do and everything around me in a new light. I experienced several ‘ah-ha!’ moments and have many useful take-aways. I look forward to creating my own opportunities and finding my highest opportunity for personal evolution. Thank you!”

Rich Helm

“Eben takes the complex subject of opportunity and breaks it down into something anyone can understand and benefit from.”

Chandler Bolt

Reading this book gave me the knowledge, strength, and confidence to pick a direction and move forward.”

Marcel Souza

What Successful People
Have In Common

If you watched my video on this page, you saw that I didn’t have the benefit of a business education growing up, and I didn’t have family or friends who were successful either. I had to figure this all out for myself.

I tried a lot of different business ideas, most of which didn’t work out. Because I kept persevering, I eventually figured out the formula for success.

I’ve been very fortunate now to have started many businesses that reached the million dollar sales level (and some of my businesses have reached much higher).

In the process, I’ve had wonderful opportunity to meet, interview, and get to know some of the icons of business success. I’ve been featured in books myself, and asked to teach around the world.

This Realization
Changed Everything

As I mentioned in the video, a few years ago I had a major realization.

I was thinking about the hundreds of successful entrepreneurs, millionaires and billionaires that I’ve known and interviewed now… and I realized that they all had something in common.

The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t STOP thinking about it. Somehow, it made everything make sense.

Successful people are better at finding and creating opportunity, and better at making decisions about which opportunities to bet on.

This is the difference that puts successful people on another level!

If you look at the successful people you know, who are consistently successful in business, investing, with money, and in their financial lives — those who win not only in the short-run, but also in the long-run — you’ll see what I’m talking about.

These are the people who are constantly finding and creating great opportunities, then choosing the best ones to bet on.

This Is A True
“Law Of Success”

To be successful, you have to be good at discovering and developing opportunities!

In my own work and life, I have designed and collected a set of powerful tools for discovering and developing opportunity in the key areas of business, money, and investments, but also in other areas of my life as well.

When I realized how important opportunity was to success, I started writing them all down, to see what I had, and quickly I had dozens of pages.

In the process of my initial work, I also discovered that researchers have also been studying opportunity lately. It’s actually become a science, without anyone realizing it!

I started asking my friends, who are great entrepreneurs, about opportunity, and I realized that no one in my circle had taken on studying opportunity as a subject all by itself… to learn its nature, how it works, and how it changes over time… to find the universal patterns in all domains.

And I realized that the opportunity, was to study opportunity itself.

The Art, Science, And
Psychology Of Opportunity

The Art, Science, And Psychology Of Opportunity

It quickly became obvious that I needed to put these ideas into a book. And after over a year of hard work on it, I’ve got something that I’m really proud to share with you.

The book is called “Opportunity” and finally, in one place, you have a resource that shows you what opportunity is, how it works, how it’s changing, and how to get more of it in your life.

I’ve spent thousands of hours studying opportunity, and hundreds of hours now writing about it. I have organized what I believe to be the art, the science, and the psychology of opportunity, and carefully condensed it down into this book that you can read in a few hours.

If you’re interested in getting and creating more opportunity, and building your life so that more and more opportunity comes to you, then start here. Just click below, enter you name and email, and then tell me where to send your free copy of Opportunity, and your bonuses.

This will open so many doors for you, and get you on the path to a lot more opportunity!

Yes, Send Me The Opportunity Book!

What’s Inside The Book?

First of all, there is an explosion of opportunity around the world right now. As I talk to my entrepreneur friends, we are all astonished at the opportunities that are coming from everywhere, fueled by the rise of the internet.

In Opportunity, you’ll learn the mindsets, tools, and mental models to not only see opportunity, but also to create more of it, and to take advantage of it to create the life that you want.

The key here is the mindset shift that this book will install. It’s a new lens that clarifies and helps you see the opportunities that are emerging all around is.

Once you have this new mindset, you literally start seeing opportunities everywhere.

In Opportunity, you’ll learn:

  • What opportunity is, how it works, and where to find it
  • How to overcome “opportunity shock” and avoid the paralysis that can come with having too many options
  • How your emotional state influences your ability to take advantage of opportunity, and how to optimize your state to attract and capitalize on opportunity across different domains of your life
  • How to overcome fear of failure, so you can get more of what you want in your life
  • What mental models are, and how to use them for estimating the value of an opportunity, comparing opportunities to each other, and choosing those most likely to bring you success and fulfillment
  • How to find more opportunities in business, money, investing, health, happiness, relationships, and personal development
  • Why collaborating with others multiplies your power to find and develop opportunities
  • How to become an innovator and a thought leader in order to help others discover their own biggest opportunities
  • The way to discover your greatest personal opportunity in life

I’ve designed this book to help you create a “future-proof life”, where you become more and more confident in the future that’s emerging, because you’re using your talents to create value for other people in a unique way.

And during our launch, I’m going to buy you a copy and send it to you as a gift. All I ask is that you cover the shipping and handling.

I will also send you three great bonuses, for free, that go perfectly with the book.

Free Bonus 1: The Best Opportunities Workshop

It’s so important to be up to speed on what the best opportunities are! In this all new class with me, I’ll walk you through what I consider to be the best opportunities right now, in 2025.

Free Bonus 2: How To Find Your Big Idea Training Program

My comprehensive 5 part video series that teaches you how to identify your own big idea, and turn it into a product or service, then design a business around it.

Free Bonus 3: A Free Month In The Startup Club AI

All the tools, templates, and training for growing your coaching business, including powerful new AI tools, and live implementation workshops. It's everything you need to actually get the results you're looking for!

Total Value $318...
yours for free when you claim your free copy of Opportunity now!

Again, the book and bonuses are a gift from me, you just pay the shipping and handling of $9.97 if you’re in the USA (only $19.97 for international)...

When you order you’ll get the three bonuses listed above ($318 value), plus some additional “surprise bonuses”... to help you get results and really use what you learn in the book.

By the way, when I showed this book to a major publisher, within hours was offered a book deal for it. I was planning to just self-publish it, but now it looks like I’m going to be publishing it internationally as well, which is cool.

Before I do that, I’m launching it myself, and offering to buy you a copy. All you have to cover is the shipping and handling. But I do have a limited supply of books, so grab your copy before they’re all gone!

OPPORTUNITY is easy to read, easy to understand, and easy to use. After your first twenty minutes or so with it, you’ll “get it”, and you’ll be hooked. But most importantly, what you learn will change the way that you see things, and you won’t be able to go back.

I’m very fascinated with what you might call “quality of knowledge.” Some knowledge is a lot more valuable than other knowledge, and some books are a lot more valuable than others. I wrote this book over the past year, and kept tweaking and tuning it until it was super-condensed, and super easy to understand.

This is the highest quality book that you will read this year. There’s more knowledge per page than anything I know of, and it contains an idea that will actually change your life.

Once you’ve read this book, you’ll look at the world differently, and you’ll start seeing opportunity everywhere, in every part of your life.

Again, to get your free copy with all the free bonuses… while I still have books left… just click the button below and then tell me where to ship your book!

Yes, Send Me The Opportunity Book!

What Are People Saying About Learning From Eben Pagan?

“Eben brought me from a wandering entrepreneur ($50k in debt) to launching a business that I ultimately sold for $550,000 within 2 years. The kicker is that I met the buyer at the Guru Mastermind in 2010. Eben’s mentorship has literally been the best investment I’ve ever made.

Nick Unsworth

Finding Eben was a moment that literally changed my life. Personally, and professionally, I can honestly say I would not be where I am today without him.”

Mike Dillard

“Eben Pagan is a business visionary whose teaching allowed me to skip over about 10 years of mistakes that I would have made on my own! I don’t know anyone as masterful at combining marketing, psychology and strategy.”

Laura Roeder

Eben Pagan is a brilliant entrepreneur and teacher. He has the unique ability to be able to identify the reasons his businesses have been successful, and distill those reasons into action items that other entrepreneurs can follow.”

Dave Lavinsky

"Get Your Free Copy Of My New Book OPPORTUNITY While They Last"

What You Get Today

  • Free copy of my new book "OPPORTUNITY"
  • Bonus: The Best Opportunities Workshop
  • Bonus: How To Find Your Big Idea video series
  • Bonus: 1 Free Month in the Startup Club AI

Total value: $318 (you just pay shipping & handling)

Just click the button below, then tell me where to send your book on the next page...

"Get Your Free Copy Of My New Book OPPORTUNITY While They Last"

What You Get Today

  • Free copy of my new book "OPPORTUNITY"
  • Bonus: The Best Opportunities workshop.
  • Bonus: Video series that shows you how to find your big idea.
  • Bonus: Opportunity discovery checklists, exercises, and bonus chapters.

Total value: $197 (you just pay shipping & handling)

Start with your name and email, then tell me where to send your book on the next page...